
10 of the Weirdest World Records Ever

10 of the Most Ridiculous World Records Ever
World Records are made to be broken right? Well, some records are so outrageously bizarre or funny that we are not sure anyone would want to repeat them. But if somebody tried it once, someone else will probably try it again. Check out this list of 10 of the most ridiculous records ever recorded:
  1. Most Spoons Balanced on the Face
    In 2004, Aaron Caissie of Canada set the utensil utilization record by balancing 15 spoons on his face. If you could not do 15 spoons then you were forked.
  2. Most Straws Stuffed in the Mouth
    In 2004, Dave Rushton of the UK set the record by stuffing 501 straws into his mouth. Keep that man away from your milkshake.
  3. Largest Collection of Vacuum Cleaners
    In 2006, James Dyson of the UK set the record with a collection of 1,010 vacuum cleaners. We were not going to say it, but we will – this record sucks.
  4. Most Toilet Seats Broken with the Head in One Minute
    In 2013, Justin McLeod of the US set the record by breaking 25 toilet seats. Talk about using your brain to gain some fame.
  5. Most People Dressed as Penguins
    In 2014, a group of 1,567 people in the UK set the record for the most people dressed as penguins. This number would have been lower if they held the event in Antarctica.
  6. Most Apples Crushed with a Bicep in One Minute
    In 2015, John Evans of the UK pumped it up and set the record by crushing 21 apples with his bicep in one minute. Apple sauce anyone?
  7. Largest Gathering of People dressed as Sumo Wrestlers
    In 2016, a group of 1,500 people in Japan set the record for the largest gathering of people dressed as sumo wrestlers. It was a flock of people… Sumo people… who ran so far away… they couldn’t get away.
  8. Most T-shirts Put On in One Minute
    It’s not an emminence front, but it was a put on. In 2016, Ashrita Furman of the US set this record by putting on 25 T-shirts in one minute. We hope those tags are not too scratchy.
  9. Most Hula Hoops Spun at Once
    You can spin me around like a record, and in 2017, a group of 7,986 people in India did just that – setting the record for the most hula hoops spun at once.
  10. Most Socks Put on One Foot in 30 Seconds
    If a fox wanted to put on socks, how many socks for beating clocks? In 2018, Jyoti Amge of India set the record by putting on 18 socks on one foot in 30 seconds.