
Ten Bizarre Phobias That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Bizarre Phobias List

What scares you and keeps you up late at night? Is it clowns? Darkness and shadows? A character from some horror movie? Maybe even something as sinister as dreaming that you went to work in your underwear and can’t get home to put on pants because you have no pockets and no money.

Well, if you have experienced any of these or many others, then you have encountered a Phobia, and there are some really interesting ones out there. Here are ten of the more bizarre phobias you might not know about, so sit back, lock all the doors and windows, turn on all the lights in your house and tell the vampires to go away while you read through this list.

Here is Our Bizarre Phobias List

  1. Ablutophobia – Fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning oneself. This one doesn’t care if it is wash day, you are getting in the tub.
  2. Arachibutyrophobia – Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Let’s stick to peanuts instead.
  3. Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns. You just knew clowns were gonna be on this list. They don’t even have to be from outer space to cause a phobia.
  4. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – Fear of long words (yes, that’s the actual name of the phobia!). Just thinking about spelling this one will cause anyone anxiety.
  5. Nomophobia – What’s in a nomophobia? Fear of being without your mobile phone or unable to use it – that’s what. Modern life problems.
  6. Pogonophobia – Fear of beards – not fear of pogo sticks. It’s beards.
  7. Somniphobia – Fear of falling asleep or going to bed. If you are like most people, you want to sleep when you can get it, so this one can’t be fun.
  8. Triskaidekaphobia – Fear of the number 13. If 7-8-9 then imagine what number 13 will do when it comes for you.
  9. Venustraphobia – Fear of beautiful women. Oh, the trappings of Venustraphobia will get you when you least expect it.
  10. Xanthophobia – Fear of the color yellow or anything yellow. If you have ever been afraid of eating yellow snow, then this one probably applies there too.

While some of these phobias may seem unusual or even comical, we do recognize that phobias can cause seriousness anxiety and we are in no way making light of anyone’s condition who might suffer from these or other phobias.