
The Most Popular Dinosaurs Ever Discovered

Most Popular Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs were a wild and crazy group of reptiles that were stomping, thrashing, swooping and smashing their way around Earth over 165 million years ago, through the late Triassic to the end of the Cretaceous period.

Dinosaurs came in all shapes and sizes – everything from tiny chicken-sized creatures to massive, towering hulkzillas like the Brachiosaurus. We know this from fossil evidence and a variety of cartoons and movies that have helped us come to love them.

Everyone has their favorite dinosaurs, and what kind of site would this be if we did not include a list of the all-time favorites of the Dino Kingdom? You are in luck because we are here to present to you our list of the most famous and well-loved of these creatures ever to be discovered. They would have to be discovered right, because how can you love something that you never knew existed?

Our List of The Most Popular Dinosaurs on Earth

  1. Tyrannosaurus Rex (T. Rex)
    When it comes to dinosaurs, T. Rex is the heavyweight champ. Everyone remembers Jurassic Park movies and those clever, carnivorous kings of the theme park. T. Rex is a predator known for large body size, powerful jaws, and sharp teeth (the better to eat you with). Short arm T. Rex jokes are not recommended either.
  2. Velociraptor
    No, not an ancient form of helicopter reptile, this small, fast-moving dinosaur has a sickle-shaped claw on each foot and is more than willing to slap you on the wrist if you get too close. That’s going to leave a sickle-shaped mark.
  3. Stegosaurus
    Stegosaurus is bony and has lots of plates and spikes across its back and tail. This dinosaur looks like some sort of medieval battering ram if medieval battering rams were designed to look like dinosaurs.
  4. Triceratops
    If at first you don’t succeed, too bad because Triceratops you at everything. An herbivorous dinosaur, Triceratops “don’t eat no meat” but they do have a distinctive three-horned skull and bony frill on their head. Triceratops gives you plenty of cheap frills.
  5. Brachiosaurus
    Brachiosaurus likes to break stuff – like all dinosaurs. But ok, when it comes to plants, give this long-necked giant a salad and send them on their way. Brachiosaurus was known to stretch up to 85 feet in length and grow to be 50 feet tall. Tall enough to reach those fruits way up there in that tree.
  6. Diplodocus
    This dinosaur sounds like an exercise machine in the gym, but Diplodocus won’t help you develop your shoulder muscles unless you are climbing aboard for a ride and need to hang on. This is a long-necked type of dino and could reach lengths of over 90 feet.
  7. Ankylosaurus
    Like Triceratops, Anklyosaurus is reinforced with tough, bony plates on its back and sides, and as a bonus comes equipped with a large club on the end of its tail. It is recommended to put on your medieval armor if you are getting close to this critter. Better yet, run away, but be careful not to twist your ankle while escaping Ankylosaurus
  8. Brontosaurus
    Ah, the Brontosaurus is massive in size, but a gentle giant that only wants to feed on the local fauna and occasionally help the town of Bedrock move some boulders. Don’t mention Brontosausus burgers for lunch though.
  9. Pterodactyl
    Some say these massive winged creatures were not really dinosaurs and probably were more at home on an episode of Game of Thrones but we are including them here for the fact that they look like dinosaurs and can fly, and are the closest thing we can find to dragons outside of the realm of fantasy books and movies. Besides, how can you not love something with bat-like wings spanning up to 40 feet, claws and teeth that can easily pluck a hapless victim off the ground, carrying them away to their doom.