
When Bananas Deceive and Shrimps Roar: 15 Absurd Biology Facts

Absurd Biology Facts

You know, the universe is a peculiar place. We’ve got massive galaxies swirling around, but then there’s this tiny planet where bananas think they’re berries, and strawberries, the actual berries, are having an identity crisis. That’s right, I’m talking about Earth – the only planet where wombats feel the artistic urge to poop in cubes. And while you’re still wrapping your head around these bananas (pun intended), let me throw in some more nonsensical, yet surprisingly real, biological tidbits. Prepare yourself for a ride through the wonderfully wacky carnival that is the world of biology. Because trust me, you might think you’ve seen it all, but nature’s got a few more comedic tricks up its sleeve.

Here are 15 Biology Facts That Are Too Absurd To Be Fiction

  1. Bananas are Berries, but Strawberries Aren’t
    Bananas scientifically qualify as berries, but strawberries do not because their seeds are on the outside.
  2. Octopuses Have Three Hearts
    Two pump blood to the gills and one pumps it to the rest of the body.
  3. Wombat Poop is Cube-Shaped
    This unique shape helps the poop stay in place and mark territory.
  4. You Share 50% of Your DNA with Bananas
    While it sounds silly, humans and bananas do share about half of their genetic makeup.
  5. Honey Never Spoils
    Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible.
  6. Starfish Have No Brain
    They use a complex nervous system to move and interact with their environment, but they don’t have a centralized brain.
  7. Flatworms Fight with Their… Genitalia
    Two male flatworms will use their penises in a sort of “fencing” match to determine who will father the offspring.
  8. Jellyfish are 95% Water
    These creatures are so simple that they lack basic organs like a brain or lungs.
  9. A Single Human Sperm has 37.5MB of DNA Information
    This means a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of roughly 1,500 terabytes.
  10. Cows Have Best Friends
    They can become stressed when they are separated from their specific companion.
  11. The Loudest Creature is… a Shrimp
    The snapping shrimp can make a sound that reaches up to 200 decibels, louder than a gunshot.
  12. There’s a Species of Jellyfish that is Biologically Immortal
    The Turritopsis dohrnii can revert back to its child form after maturing and theoretically do this process indefinitely.
  13. Your Stomach Gets a New Lining Every Few Days
    Your stomach constantly renews its lining to prevent it from digesting itself due to its strong acids.
  14. Chickens Can Have Half Male, Half Female Bodies
    Called gynandromorphs, these chickens split down the middle, with one side male and the other female.
  15. Fleas Can Jump 350 Times Their Body Length
    That’s like a human jumping nearly 1,000 feet!

Note: While these biology facts are presented in a lighthearted and surprising manner, they are grounded in scientific truths. However, as always, any singular fact should be researched further if you’re interested in the intricacies or nuances.